New audio podcasts from the Charity Commission

Charity Comments Off on New audio podcasts from the Charity Commission

The Charity Commission, the regulator of charities in England and Wales, has published two new audio podcasts, designed to help charity trustees understand their duties under charity law.

Over two podcasts, Neal Green Senior Policy Adviser at the Commission, and Steve Barnett, Head of Operational case work for the regulator in London, introduce Charity Commission guidance on the following issues:

Internal Financial Controls: What can your charity learn from this horror story?

When a fictional charity “The Good Life” experiences repeated theft by a trustee, the Commission’s intervention leads to the appointment of an entirely new trustee board. This podcast looks at what financial controls the regulator expects to see in any charity and introduces the Commission’s guidance on Internal Financial Controls.

Conflicts of Interests: What can your charity learn from this case study?

Based on a real Commission case, this podcast looks at how an unmanaged conflict of interest led to substantial financial loss and introduces the principles, along with some practical tips, about managing conflicts of interest – a vital basic for any charity.

The podcasts are now available on the Commission’s website.